Simply put, we love featuring guest authors on our site. There are a lot of things we have to manage here at Paranormal Study to keep this site going for you, so we cannot always dedicate the time we want to writing articles to keep you informed.
That is where our guest authors come in.
We know there are a lot of you out there with a story to tell. Original articles about paranormal topics (ghosts, ufos, cyptids, mediumship, urban legends, folklore, etc.) are what our readers love. Our audience also appreciates scholarly texts so if you have an original long-form detailed case write-up, journal article or white paper you have written, we can gladly republish those for you here as well.
By publishing on our site, you can build an online portfolio and gain exposure to a huge international audience. Everything published on our site gets broadcast to our social media platforms (Facebook alone has well over 200,000 followers as of the time of this publication).
If you are interested in publishing an article or three on our website, please fill out the form below.
Thank you for your interest!
Tim Woolworth, Paranormal Study founder.