
The Ontario Terror

As a rule, police officers don’t like dealing with weird stuff. They are highly trained, highly skilled observers of humanity and the supernatural doesn’t typically figure into that. However, every once in a while, the […]


The Miami Poltergeist

Miami, Florida, like any other city with a thriving tourist run economy is littered with kitschy souvenir shops that sell everything from alligator shaped ashtrays to screen printed t-shirts with palm trees on the front. […]


The Stone-Throwing Devil

Lithobolia, or stone throwing, is a phenomenon that is common in a wide variety of poltergeist reports. Some feel this strange, and oftentimes destructive activity, lends credibility to the notion the activities of a poltergeist […]


Those Noisy Ghosts

After years of reading countless paranormal books that detail the shenanigans of poltergeists, the experts all seem to agree on one detail, the term poltergeist is German for noisy ghosts. And that is where the […]