July 1, 1863, marked a turning point in the history of the United States. The bloodiest battle in the American civil war raged for three long days in the rural town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. When the battle came to a conclusion both sides, the Union and Confederacy, suffered countless losses. The forces of the United States won the battle and the tide of the war was turned in their favor. In the end, slavery was abolished, the Union was reunited, and the country was once again whole.
Most paranormal enthusiasts agree that Gettysburg and its surrounding area is a place of remarkable supernatural activity. History buffs and ghost hunters alike come from all across the globe to learn of the battle and have an encounter with the long dead soldiers who haunt the landscape. If you’re looking for a place to stay while exploring Gettysburg, I highly recommend the Cashtown Inn. A bed and breakfast that is just as haunted as the surrounding battlefield.
The Cashtown Inn was built in 1797, long before those three bloody days. Local businessman Peter Marck opened the inn for weary travelers making their way across Pennsylvania. Although it was a quiet respite for the early part of its history, that solitude came to end when the Union and Confederacy marched into town and clashed on its very doorstep.
As the battle raged, the Confederacy needed a hospital to see to the wounds of their injured soldiers. For three days, blood flowed down the halls of the inn as soldiers were brought in with injuries usually resulting in amputations. Many soldiers survived the brutal procedure aided only by grit and a double shot of whiskey. While others succumbed to their injuries and perished, often clutching the pictures of loved ones they would never see again on this side of life.

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As you might imagine the horrors of this hospital resulted in several dead soldiers taking up permanent residence in the Cashtown Inn. Anguished screams ring out from the kitchen area where several soldiers lost their limbs as well as their lives. Stark feelings of despair are also felt in the kitchen causing people to flee in terror.
Apart from the screams, voices of men are heard whispering in the halls, followed by the sound of hard soled boots on the wooden floors. Apparitions are also regularly witnessed in the Cashtown.
One of these frequently seen apparitions is a young Confederate soldier who appears to delight in frightening people. According to eyewitnesses, he appears suddenly wearing a tattered gray uniform soaked in blood. He is said to have a grim look on his face as he reaches out to people. Before making contact, he vanishes before their terrified eyes.
Guests who have dared to spend the night in AP Hill room have some bone chilling tales to tell of this haunted suite. The rocking chair that sits in the corner suddenly comes to life and slowly rocks. Other guests have complained of being awakened in the middle of the night by an unseen phantom sitting down on the bed.
The General Lee suite is the domain of a woman wearing a black dress. Guests who have attempted to get a good night’s rest in the room have reported a cold chill blowing through the room followed by the woman in black appearing by their bedside. Whomever this ghostly woman seems to have influence over the electrical appliances in the room. She turns the channel on the tv, regardless of someone watching it or not, and flicks the lights on and off.
Perhaps the most frightening sight at the Cashtown Inn are the ghosts of injured soldiers aimlessly wandering the property. They are said to appear for only a few moments before fading away.
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