Houses of Horror II: A Family Haunted

Behold Shocking True Tales of Terror

Excerpt from my book: Behold! Shocking True Tales of Terror…And Some Other Spooky Stuff.

You can buy a copy of this book by clicking here.

One afternoon, my sister in law called and asked if I would be interested in investigating her friend’s house. Her friend believed she had a considerable amount of activity in her home and was looking for confirmation of what she believed was happening. At first, I was reluctant to take the case, as this was someone I knew. However, after receiving a video in my email from this acquaintance, I was more than a little intrigued.

When I reviewed the video, it was taken in the bedroom of the client’s little boy who was sitting in his crib. You could clearly see the child was interacting with someone in the room. As far as I could tell, he was alone. Suddenly, a strange white mist floated from out of a corner and came to a halt in front of the crib. I further watched in awe as the mist pulsated with a pale white light. Of course, it would be easy to dismiss this as being dust but the child had special needs and health issues. His room was kept spotless to avoid any illness.

As I watched the video further, a second anomaly began to take shape. A dark form appeared in the small space between the crib and the wall. My first thought was this strange shape was the child’s shadow. But there was no light and the shape’s movements were inconsistent with the movements of the little boy. Something was in that room and I wanted to find out. Having seen enough of the video, I sent my sister in law a text and asked if she would mind setting up a date to investigate her friend’s house. She was all to happy to oblige.

When I arrived at Mr. And Mrs G’s, I was surprised to discover it was a large, two storey house in a new subdivision and they were the first owners. Due to this, I naturally assumed the activity in the house might be associated with the land the house sat on. Unfortunately, the land the house sat on was a corn field, strike one. My second thought was perhaps the spirit attached itself to the residents. Or something had the ability to gain access and was dropping in.I would soon discover, I was too far from the truth.

After being invited in, I chatted with the homeowner and her sister for a few moments and then began my work. I walked from room to room taking pictures and sound recording. But the room that I had to really focus on was the child’s room where most of the activity occurred in the house. And it only seemed to happen when the boy was in his crib. Luckily, Mrs G informed me that she would be putting her son down for his afternoon nap. Time to see if these spirits would choose to show themselves.

As Mrs G, put the little guy down for his nap, I placed a voice recorder and an EMF meter near the bed and went to the kitchen to watch the baby monitor. Sure enough, shortly after putting him in the crib, he stood up and began interacting with something in the room. He laughed and appeared to be reaching out to someone standing in front of him. It was actually cute watching this little boy playing with someone only he could see. And then, the light show began.

As I watched the baby monitor, I was astonished as a pulsating white mist emanated from the closet to the right of the crib. I speculated that perhaps the closet was an entry point where this seemingly innocent entity could come and go at will. I had seen this before and wondered if this was where the idea of the monster in the closet originated.

Mrs G’s little boy never did nap that day and if you’re a parent you know this situation all to well. After bringing him down, I went up to the room and carefully scrutinized every square inch of the room. I searched for any sign of trickery or even signs of a bug flying around. To my surprise, I found no evidence to back that suspicion up. I then gathered up my gear and bid my farewells, explaining to the client it would be a few days to go over anything I may have captured.

Over the next few days, I went over every picture and sound recording I gathered that day. Except for an anomalous light in the kitchen, there was nothing of any substance in photos. What I caught on audio was a different matter. I received many one word responses to the questions I asked. These audio recordings substantiated the client’s claims making me come to the conclusion there was legitimate spirit activity in this house.

This was a case where the client was perfectly comfortable with whomever they were sharing their home with. Paranormal tv shows have a tendency to misrepresent what a person experiences in a haunting and it’s not always terror and sleepless nights. The overwhelming majority of a haunting is just a lonely soul trying to say hi. At no time did anything seem sinister or out to harm anyone. As far as I’m concerned the ghost or ghosts were just popping in to say hi. And nothing more.

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About Rick Hale 106 Articles
Rick Hale became interested in anomalous phenomenon at an early age after encountering an apparition in his grandparent's home. Rick is the author of "The Geek's Guide To The Strange and Unusual: Poltergeists, Ghost and Demons," and "Behold! Shocking True Tales Off Terror...And Some Other Spooky Stuff." Rick has been published in Haunted Times Magazine, Paranormal Underground Magazine, The Supernatural Magazine, and Legends Magazine. Rick appeared in Ghost Tapes 2 and Ghost Tapes: The Series found at

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