Tarot Cards and Their Pictorial Interpretations Part I: An Introduction

When one thinks of a Tarot deck, we think of getting a reading from a mysterious woman that has candles, a crystal ball and maybe a crow skull on the table where she will lay out the cards face down. This archetype has been perpetuated in pop culture to the point where this type of setup is the only way to judge whether a Tarot reader is authentic or not.

Yet, there are untold tens of thousands of people who read Tarot cards just in the United States alone. New decks are constantly being produced. Oracle decks are becoming quite common. You will also find that most people who read the cards also have more than one deck at their disposal.

What we are going to do here at Paranormal Study is feature every card in the Tarot deck with interpretations of their meaning. We will publish a new card regularly which will make it easy for you to read that day’s card and try to memorize what meaning it is intended to represent. If you ever want to find a card, once it is published it will be available via the search bar on our website. Here you can type the word “Tarot” or the specific card and the post will show for you. At the top of every card post, right between the headline and the feature photo, you will see the date and the author of the post; following these you will see two words, Articles and Tarot – by clicking on “Tarot” you will pull up every tarot card for which we’ve published a description.

To do this we are going to feature the most popular deck of all-time, the Rider Waite Tarot deck. This deck has been used for over a century and is the benchmark standard for a Tarot reading in western culture. You have seen the Death and Devil cards from this deck in any horror movie where Tarot cards are read; so you are likely familiar with some of the cards even if you don’t own the deck itself. If you would like to own a deck, you can buy your Rider Waite Tarot Deck by clicking here.

A unisex tri-blend shirt featuring Zener cards on the front.

T-Shirts, Mugs and More!

We now have t-shirts, tarot decks, ESP cards, coffee mugs, face masks, and much more merchandise available for purchase. Every dollar spent helps fund Paranormal Study!

There are several spreads for reading the cards which we will feature in another article on Paranormal Study in short order. There will also be articles on archetypes, embracing intuition, and other important things you need to know about reading Tarot cards published on this site.

When we get to publishing information on the individual cards themselves, we will include, verbatim, the interpretations of the cards from esoteric scholar, Dr. A.E. Waite, one of the creators of the Rider Waite deck as published in Waite’s work The Pictorial Key to the Tarot. In this book, he outlined the intent, interpretations and mystical meanings of each card as he intended them.

In addition to Waite’s interpretations of his deck, the most popular deck in the world, we will also be including interpretations from esoteric and archetypal viewpoints by leaning upon the work of Aleister Crowley and Jungian Archetypes among other influential works about the tarot.

If you found the content in this article to be of any value to your paranormal studies, please let us know in the comments below. Feel free to share this article with your friends as well because if you found it interesting, they might too.

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Tim Woolworth’s Walk in the Shadows, an episodic masterclass that consists of a deep dive into all things Fortean, paranormal and supernatural.

Rick Hale teams up with Stephen Lancaster in The Shadow Initiative where they explore various paranormal topics and discuss current paranormal news.

Please check these shows out and visit Paranormal Study social media to keep up to date on articles and all the things our authors are doing.

About Tim Woolworth 74 Articles
Tim has been educating in the paranormal field since 2010 when he launched the site ITCvoices.org. He is the founder of Paranormal Study (2018), the creator of the Walk in the Shadows podcast (2022), a renowned conference lecturer and author of several articles and book sections. When he isn't enmeshed in the paranormal, he enjoys a career as a professional brewer and spending time with family and his pets.

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