Consciousness and the Paranormal Part II: Known Discarnate Voices

This is the second installment in a series of paranormal-based articles that will attempt to elucidate the role of consciousness in paranormal research. In this article, I lean again upon personal experience with ITC that demonstrates quite clearly that individual consciousness can manifest during experimentation.

You may want to read Part I of this series in an article entitled Consciousness and the Paranormal Part I: A New Understanding before continuing.

A Clip You Need To Hear

Sent Aug 6, 2010, 10:31 AM


I am in the middle over going over a session I did on July 30th and I found this section of audio. It is unaltered in any way, just sliced from the raw audio.

This is your voice. There is also the name Carina… I have no explanation for why this happens…

For now, feel free to be freaked out.

– Tim

The email above began my journey into trying to really understand the complexities of instrumental transcommunication. More importantly, the audio referenced in this email not only changed the entirety of my outlook on the paranormal, but rather shook it to its very foundation.

Somehow, the voice of a long-time friend of mine, Sean, had come through a ghost box. My friend was living in California and I was living in New York. We had been roommates and workmates in the mid 1990’s and hadn’t spoken to each other in years. Yet, his voice came through clearly from what is essentially a broken radio.

Sean and I were inseparable at one point. During the time we were flat mates, the television show South Park was in its formative years and the character of “Timmy” was popular. Sean used to say my name with the same inflection as the character on the show.

During review of a session, I came across his voice saying “Timmy” with that same inflection and the word “Carina.” Sean and I hadn’t been in communication for quite some time; he had no idea I was now fully dedicated to paranormal pursuits. I also was not aware that he had started dating a woman named Carina.

I was stunned. At the time, most ghost box users thought that ghost box communication utilized a physical mechanism which localized “spirits” were able to manipulate. More specifically, these local spirits used “radio bits” to help formulate speech. How ignorant ghost box users, including myself, were back then…

Here is that original audio clip sent to Sean in 2010:

“Timmy” and “Carina” in Sean’s Voice

For those not used to listening to audio ITC, you may be surprised to hear this audio because it isn’t perfect human speech. According to the Association Transcommunication, the leading ITC research group in the United States, there are some fundamental characteristics that are found in EVP (a form of instrumental transcommunication). It is quite common for EVP to lack some of the fundamental frequencies of human speech. It is also common for EVP to manifest at a faster, or slower, rate than normal human speech. The original ghost box audio clip of Sean’s voice demonstrated both characteristics. This is not surprising as ghost box communication is a formidable way of having electronic voices present themselves as audible to the listener in real-time.

In order to clear this audio up a little bit, I slowed the pitch down a little so you can hear it a bit clearer. When slowing it down, the “Carina” portion becomes a bit more muddled and you can hear that the last syllable is somewhat lacking.

“Timmy” and “Carina” in Sean’s Voice, Stretched

You have now heard the original audio that blew me away. I asked Sean to do a comparative vocal recording for my own edification. Sean recorded his voice in comparison to the original recording but did not match timbre or speed. You can hear the similarity of his voice shine through!

“Timmy” and “Carina” Voice Comparison

When we think of the complexity of this communication, it boggles the mind. Here we had someone known to me, the ghost box user. Not a ghost. Not a spirit. Not a haunting. More than that, we had a person whose voice, unbeknownst to them, had somehow traveled thousands of miles without broadcast equipment to be made audible through a broken radio at the precise time and location (my former apartment) where I was using it.

“Hey Tim”

Sean’s voice was certainly not the only time that this type of communication occurred for me. Here is another example.

I was part of a ghost hunting team when I still lived in New York. The following two clips involve my former team.

The first one manifested the voice of a fellow investigator at the time, Pam. She lived about 45 miles north of where I was living. This session was done in my living room, mid-week, in the middle of the night. When I contacted Pam about this audio, she told me that she had been actively pursuing lucid dreaming at the time. This makes me wonder whether she was able to reach out through her dream state to make contact.

I had just turned on a Frank’s Box to fulfill a request for someone who asked if I could reach a loved one. Pam’s voice was the first thing that broke through on the audio. The bulk of sessions I conduct contain audio from the other side greeting me, so I did not think this clip was special at the time. It was only upon review that I realized whose voice it was.

“Hey Tim” in Pam’s Voice

Here is a clip containing the audio of Pam saying “Hey Tim” as a comparison. It should be noted that she sent me this audio recorded on her EVP recorder. Her recorder at the time was not of good quality and has a distinct high frequency roll-off.

“Hey Tim” Voice Comparison

The vocal characteristics are very close. Once again, somehow her voice, or an emulation thereof, had been transformed from radio waves and manifested in real-time, through a speaker, in the exact place and time where I was using a ghost box.

The characteristics were so close that I decided to run the audio through a spectrogram.

Comparative frequencies between the two audio clips.

Here you can plainly see the 5 kilohertz roll-off on Pam’s audio recorder in comparison to the quality of the original Frank’s Box recording. When the audio frequencies are compared, you can see that Pam’s recording has more frequency spines than the Frank’s Box recording. Yet, the spines that are present nearly lineup perfectly. There is also a very similar frequency dead spot on both recordings.

One again, this audio follows typical EVP characteristics as the original audio is a bit slower and lacks some of the fundamental frequencies.

When this audio evidence is heard and the frequencies are compared, one would be hard pressed to not agree that this is Pam’s voice.

“In a way that turns me on.”

Finally, I have another example of this phenomenon for you to hear. This example is completely unlike the other two.

First, I was not using a boutique ghost box for this session. The instrument being used is what is referred to as a Shack Hack. These Shack Hacks are off-the-shelf radios that have been modified so they are capable of continuous scan with no muting function. They will go up and down a radio bandwidth and pick up every frequency along the way including both radio and static.

This Shack Hack model, the 20-275, only remains on a frequency for .07 seconds during a scan. That is important to remember when you hear an entire sentence like the one uttered in this clip because it represents dozens of frequencies being scanned. When you listen, ask yourself: when was the last time you heard the same audio being played on dozens of sequential FM audio stations at the same time? The only time I can think this would happen is during a major political speech, a momentous occasion, or a public emergency. This audio contains speech that wouldn’t be found in any of these types of communications.

Second, and most important, the person whose voice I attribute this to was sitting at the table right next to me during a ghost hunt. Stacey was not only in the room, but within two feet of the ghost box being used.

Finally, Stacey speaks directly after the communication. She tries to interpret the audio in real-time. Her interpretation is off the mark entirely, but I am certainly glad she spoke because I was able to record this direct comparison in real-time.

When listening to this clip, you will hear a voice that is conversation level. It is odd because the voice seems to be a consistent pitch, loudness and pace. Audio engineers use a technique called compression to achieve this effect; and here it was coming directly through a handheld radio in real-time.

“In a way that turns me on” in Stacey’s Voice

You might need to play this clip back a few times to fully grasp the voice coming through the Shack Hack to be able to compare it to Stacey’s voice in real-time. To me, this is stunning audio; more so than the other audio clips above even though they are all pretty amazing because Stacey was right next to me, but her voice is in two different places.

What does this all mean?

The audio above is nothing short of mind blowing.

You have heard three pieces of audio that bends everything we know about consciousness, biology, physics and the paranormal. There is a lot to unpack here and I hope to do this evidence justice through my understanding of what has transpired in the next article.

To review the facts once more, on the three occasions above, the voice of a living person known to me has come through a ghost box.

A ghost box is a broken radio. It is nothing more than a radio receiver that has voltage applied to it thereby allowing it to scan up and down a radio dial linearly or randomly (box dependent) at either a fixed or fluid sweep rate (box dependent).

The human voice

Did you know that every human voice is like a fingerprint? Our vocal vibrations are unique – even when you mimic accents or speak at different pitches from your normal conversational tone. The individual frequency reproduction of our voice is unique due to the size and shape of our vocal chords, our height, individual biology, et cetera.

The human voice is produced through a series of actions that the human body takes. To simplify and omit several parts of our basic vocal biology, we first inhale air and our diaphragm contracts as we draw air into our lungs. Have you ever tried talking when inhaling air? It’s possible, but that is not typical to our speech patterns unless we train ourselves to do so. Rather, we usually speak when exhaling or sometimes when holding our breath. During these exchanges, the diaphragm relaxes, and CO2 is pushed out of our lungs through the trachea. Inside the trachea is the larynx. The air moves through our larynx and vibrates vocal folds (chords) found therein. This sends vibrations through our pharynx and out our mouths which are then articulated by the movement of the tongue, palate, cheeks and lips.

With this whole biological process in mind, we must ask ourselves how a voice can be reproduced through a ghost box that emulates the voice of a living person. If the definition of ITC is that we are communicating with discarnate consciousness, how does consciousness properly map the biological functions of the human voice when the discarnate nature of the voice would mean that there is no physical mechanism for the voice to be reproduced?

When we examine Stacey’s voice, it came through a ghost box when Stacey was sitting right next to me. We can hear her speak. We can hear her vocal biology. Yet we can also hear her voice come through a radio seconds before. In the case of both Sean and Pam, their voices both came through my ghost boxes while they were sleeping, a time where most people rarely speak yet their voices came through clearly.

This can lead us down a few paths to consider:

  1. Whatever discarnate consciousness that is communicating with us may be mimicking voices we know to get our attention; or
  2. There is a physical mechanism involved with discarnate entities that allows for vocal reproduction; or
  3. A person may physically be in multiple places at the same time, or
  4. We are unwittingly manifesting our own paranormal results.

I’m sure there are more paths we could trod regarding the audio above and by the time I finish the next article in this series, I may add to this list.

In the next article, I will attempt to explore those three paths. In the interim, I would love to hear your theories and/or experiences you may have had that are similar.

Feel free to email me via or hit me up on social media.

About Tim Woolworth 73 Articles
Tim has been educating in the paranormal field since 2010 when he launched the site He is the founder of Paranormal Study (2018), the creator of the Walk in the Shadows podcast (2022), a renowned conference lecturer and author of several articles and book sections. When he isn't enmeshed in the paranormal, he enjoys a career as a professional brewer and spending time with family and his pets.

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