Paranormal Census #12 – Poltergeist and Precognition
The exceptional poltergeist-like experiences of Cassandra, a precognitive woman in America. […]
The exceptional poltergeist-like experiences of Cassandra, a precognitive woman in America. […]
This anonymous submission is a case of a strong feeling that overpowers what one normally would think. In this case, the submitter was quite fortunate that they listened to that strong feeling as it allowed […]
This is a fascinating anonymous submission that involves the sighting on an apparition of the Virgin Mary. This type of sighting is known as a Marian Apparition. They witnessed this Marian Apparition almost seventy years […]
The paranormal experience was submitted by a person who wished to remain anonymous. For purposes of this particular submission, all names have been redacted except for the first letter. This startling event happened over forty […]
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