![Home Library](https://www.paranormalstudy.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Home-Library.jpg)
In our continuing effort to add books to our Paranormal Library, we have placed new books on our shelves for your use. Over the last two weeks, we have made three classics available that you may want to read to further your paranormal studies.
First, we added one of the touchstone cases of parapsychology. Leonora Piper was a very gifted medium who was studied by founding members of both the SPR and the ASPR. The conclusions that were reached pointed towards positive evidence of mediumship. The write-up, courtesy of Clark Bell, was entitled Spiritism, Hypnotism And Telepathy As Involved In The Case Of Mrs. Leonora E. Piper And The Society Of Psychical Research. This book provides a glimpse into the early investigative procedures of the SPR.
Second, we added a pair of books by celebrated spiritualist Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The Case for Spirit Photography (1924) and Wanderings of a Spiritualist (1921). Coyle is well known as an author, especially for the creation of his character Sherlock Holmes. What many do not know is that Doyle was also a spiritualist who actively participated in table tipping sessions, seances and was a huge proponent of spirit photography. He eventually joined the SPR and conducted telepathy experiments with a Mrs. Ball. After realizing that there was something to parapsychological research, he continued to research various phenomena until the end of his life. Due to his celebrity and how he embraced parapsychologial research, in 1925 he was named as the honorary president of the International Spiritistualist Congress in Paris, and he also served as the president of the London Spiritualist Alliance.
Hopefully these books will help you in your paranormal studies. As a reminder, if you have any PDF’s of copyright-free books, white papers, or articles that you have published that you think may be of use to other paranormal enthusiasts, please let us know via our email account, Learn@ParanormalStudy.com, and we will endeavor to publish them in our Paranormal Library for others to use.
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